Pasto delicioso y dientes de leon :D
New clutchic designs, practical and pretty
Nuevas clutchic practical y bonitas
Well finally right on track and working and creating...and on Easter Vacations, so kids are home a little bored a little fun... alot of work and organizing to be done... I don't know why I forget how fun it is to design from scratch...just grab a pencil, dream about color and sure, why not?, digitalize it :D New fabric designs coming soon...from other designers and from Gurumania
Well finally right on track and working and creating...and on Easter Vacations, so kids are home a little bored a little fun... alot of work and organizing to be done... I don't know why I forget how fun it is to design from scratch...just grab a pencil, dream about color and sure, why not?, digitalize it :D New fabric designs coming soon...from other designers and from Gurumania
Bueno finalmente en ruta y trabajando y creando...y de vacaciones de Semana Santa, con los chicos en casa mas aburridos que divertidos, me temo... mucho trabajo y mucho que organizar en casa... No se porque se me olvida que divertido y fabuloso puede ser deseniar de cero... simplemente tomar un lapiz, soniar con el color y claro, porque no? digitalizar el disenio :D Nuevos disenios de telas pronto... mios y de otros diseniadores.