jueves, 12 de enero de 2012


Una idea nacida en la postnavidad y en el post trauma de gastar tanto $ en juguetes hechos en China, en la tienda de Amazon...y en el encontrarte de cara, a pesar de la cobardia galopante que todo el tiempo cobijo, bueno de encontrarme a media cara con parte de la realidad de mi pais.
Un grano de arena...y a salvar un pueblo si hay un hombre bueno es la inspiracion para la
Quieres Donar? info en donaunlibroaunnino@hotmail.com

An idea borned from the postXmas and post trauma of spending money on toys made in China, at Amazon...and finding yourself, despite the cowardice i protect on everyday basis inside myself, well of finding myself half face to half face of a part of the reality in my country.
A grain of sand...and to save a town if there is only one good man... is part of the inspiration for this :


Would you like to donate a book?
More info at donaunlibroaunnino@hotmail.com


miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

...and just today...

And just today 11 years later, I discover that the title of this dear old book/essay, Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, comes from Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth, and which is the beginning of the second sentence of one of the most famous soliloquies, and is the response of the protagonist, Macbeth, to the news of his wife's death.
Here a link to the soliloquie.

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

Random ideas...and favorite writers

A book worth reading...Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
Essay by Aldous Huxley.
Many years ago I stole (sorry mom)  this small old, book that was coming apart, with the title Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow...and it has become one of my all time favorites...it contains various essays by Aldous Huxley, I highly recommend it.
I first fell in love with Kurt Vonnegut's work, while processing fish up in Alaska, I happened to come across "Galapagos", of all places, an old processing boat in the middle of the Bering Sea, amazingly it made laugh, and the romance began.
rhythm: noun.
1. A strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound.
3. A regularly recurring sequence of events or actions: the rhythms of the tides.
I believe there has to be a rhythm to creativity, in all it's hectic appearance...in all it's natural conflict like being.
Doesn't ever happen to you that you just want to do something, not feel useless and feel productive, and positive, so you push yourself trying to achieve that thing. Then you are just rushing and trying to do it no matter what, and even maybe you want to do it in a quick manner, and you just end up making a big MESS, and I think it is because one is out of rhythm, and things done in a rush seem to have a tendency to turn out wrong.
No les ha pasado que a veces quieren hacer algo, ser utiles y productivos, y positivos, entonces nos presionamos a hacer algo. Y lo que pasa es que te aceleras demas, haciendo lo que sea que decidiste que tenias que hacer, y de un modo rapido, y todo termina hecho un desastre, I creo que es porque estamos fuera de ritmo, y las cosas con prisa no parecen tener una tendencia a salir bien, mas bien tienden a salir mal.
The only thing that stays the same is...constant change.

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

In the kitchen, in the garden, At Home

One thing my family and I enjoy during the weekends is definitely cooking, preparing something a little extra special, maybe experiment a new recipe from a good friend or something from the web, is always fun.
Unexpectedly from our composte dirt some surprises were born during May, and they keep on growing, no sign of stopping, zuchinni plant, watermelon and cantaloupe; oh and not to be forgotten our Fig tree, ( we like to call it ours, even though we rent the house where we live, we like to call it Home and our Fig tree) it's a pretty old tree, with branches that for crazy knots, and it's so loaded with figs that we get to see many different birds everyday who come to feast on the sweet figs.
Here a little of my kitchen inspired work, which include my Gurushkas :D
Una cosa que disfrutamos mucho en familia los fines de semana es definitivamente cocinar, preparar algo especial, tal vez

Experimentar con alguna receta nueva de algun amigo o simplemente de la web, siempre es divertido.

Inesperadamente de nuestra composta surgieron varias sorpresas durante mayo, y continuan creciendo sin dar senial de detenerse, calabacitas, sandia y melon; y claro no olvidemos a nuestra higuera (la llamamos nuestra aunque rentamos la casa, pero nos gusta decir nuestra higuera, nuestro hogar), es un arbol muuy viejo, con locas ramas que forman locos nudos, y esta tan cargada de deliciosos y dulces higos que diario tenemos una serie de visitas de todo tipo de pajaros, mas de los que conocemos, palomas, gorriones, urracas, en fin...

Aqui esta un poco de la inspiracion de la naturaleza y cocina e incluye mis gurushkas :D

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Mr. Cateapillar

Really drawing, just drawing, is such a relaxing and beautiful activity...here my first design for a tea towel, inspired by a crazy caterpillar pink that got inside the house, my husbands tea collection and the love for drawing and color. Also soon for sale at www.spoonflower.com

"It came through the whispering woods,
down the grassy paths with tinkling little noises and sizzling sounds
With perfumed vapors
that were comforting and mischievous at the same time...
It was as dusk fell
that the master tea maker made his appearance
and they were all happy to see Mr. Cateapillar..."

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

who loves powdered milk? Quien ama la leche Nido?

Due to the recent terrible fires going on in the woods in Coahuila, Mexico, different wildlife face the consequences, three bear cubs have been rescued by my neighbor who happens to be a wildlife officer, and now they have to be fed milk for the next 5 months or so, considering they are like a baby...
The littlest is Golondrina a female bear cub, and the other two are male bear cubs
Debido a los recientes y terribles incendios que han ocurrido en Coahuila, muchas especies salvajes sufren las consecuencias, suertudos nosotros nuestro vecino trabaja en esa area de rescatar animales salvajes, y nos ha tocado conocer a 3 ozesnos, la mas pequenia Golondrina de poco mas de un mes, y dos hermosos hermanitos mas grandes.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

on the way to the museum or She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing

Finally after two atempts to convince my husband to go to Monterrey, he agreed to go. I really wanted to go see Dominique Lemieux's and Ron Mueck's exhibitions at MARCO, one of the main museums at Monterrey. My husband doesn't despise art or doesn't like Monterrey, he was just concerned we could be endangered by going there, because of the violence that this city is living, as well as many others in the northern part of Mexico are going through... And when I saw Muecks Man in a boat, made me think that that's how alot of us living in Mexico are felling... that uncertainty in his expression, of what's coming next... a little suspicious and a little concerned.... and by saying this I feel like I'm undermining how I feel... because truly I feel alot suspicious and alot of concern.
And despite all of the violent tragic events going on every single day...at every hour of the day... with or with out the sun present... we must continue to have faith, work create and believe and help ourselves, our kids, our families to grow and become better individuals; so the future is something desirable and not a nightmare we don't dare to think about; so that in the future we can attend an art exhibit with a joyous feeling, with a pure expectation of discovering another person's creation, not with a heart filled with uncertainty and fear of what you may encounter on the way to the museum...